6 July is my sweet guy birthday. I don't care how much other don't like the date
or the number, for me, YEAAAAA, ♥♥♥♥ you!!
But I was working at my dentist for both 5th and 6th July. Well. surprise is still going ON!!
On the 5th of July, he come and pick me for "shopping" la tek konon.
Before that, I have to asked help from my 2nd Bro, King Siang. Where I don't have enough time
to take the cake from the bakery. I handed him the receipt from where I worked (Bro came to dental) and then take the cake. Meanwhile, after I reached home, my 1st bro says he has an idea on how to give my ♥ a birthday surprise.
Big Bro: "We pretend our house is black out, then I will try to fix it by
joinning the wire together (wayar yang jumpa entah dari mana, we seletop at the wall then pura2 it putus and came out). I asked Sanwei come out from car and helped me hold the wire. After that, I will shout "GOT LIGHT GOT LIGHT GOT LIGHT", then you come out with the cake and we sing birthday song for him"
Well, the plan is exactly what we planned. However, bro sing birthday song in english version.
while me sing in chinese version. Kuakuakua...
Banyak banyak planning but the languange of song lupa plan pula.
We enjoy the cake together. I mean the four of us. Excluded Honey and Bobo. (you two
are not allowed to eat chocolate)

we went for lunch after he picked me up from my dental.
took our lunch at 家常饭 (Jia Chang Fan)
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