Like I said before, many couples have their wedding at end of the year. Included my bf's bro wedd. Few weeks before the wedd, they started the preparation d. Invitation cards, accommodation, transportation and so on.
The groom is Mr Chin San Yong (my bf's only bro)
and the bride is Miss Kerry Ng but now will be Mrs Chin. *.* ehehe..
the wedd ceremony was held at Mega Hotel on 7 Dec 2oo8, starts at 6.30pm.
The wedd car-Mercz was drove by Mr Ah Ming and he arrived at Batu Niah on Sat noon with Erick and Perng.
Then me, Lok, Kit and Breyton de'john arrive at 8some where I ride Ah Lok's car with the other 3 guys. We stop by at Sibuti to take Perng's shoes. Then continue our way to Batu Niah.
When we are near to Batu Niah, my bf msg me and asked me go to his house take things. I thought he means he is at the house and go help take things with him. But then, he's asking us to take the banana leaves at his home. Kua3. After went to the town, we're heading to the Niah Cave. Wuhuuu...
Finally, we arrived. I can't wait to eat. Coz I whole day didn't have anything in my stomach!! As a result, I'm gastric. ME and my bf quickly grabbed the paper plate and then start to eat.
Wow... so many lauk. Thanks to my bf's mom who prepared the delicacy. Perng and Lok do the BBQ part job while Erick become the knife-man, that responsible to chop(cut) the pork.
After filling our stomach till stomach nearly pecah, me and bf sent back all the extra food and plates. Reach home, the groom still not yet sleep. Nervous ehh.. ehehe.. after back from home, we saw Ming them busy moving the stuffs to the opp chalet. Well....aircond chalet. ehehe. Even the mattress also kena angkut to the opposite chalet. EHehe..
Then they continue talking. i thought everyone slept at 1am but then when I half-awaken, i just notice that they slept at nearly 4am! Good~
but cannot challenge Breyton de'john, he's the King of Earliest Sleep Man among us. Hehe..
wake at 8. Min Hao the champion. Then me. Ah Mind today need to drive the newly wedd couple so he wear smart clothes. And so do others.
Lok and Erick early early go take pictures outside the chalet. Fuhh... many things are going on next. Let me pose some pictures here. And short videos.
more pictures in Ah Ai's camera as I was using that camera to take pictures but forgot take the pictures from her. So I will upload more after I meet her.
back home after picking up the bride
they angkut balik the mattress... not clear~
兄弟: Ah Kit, Ah Lok, Ming, Breyton de`john, Min Hao, Perng, Eric, Carson Chin
Driver: Ming
Camera Man & Girl: Breyton de`john & Me
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