- Herman
- Kong
- Henrik
I'm home
Yeaaaaaaa... Finally I'm home. Nothing is nicer than being at home. The first day I reach Miri (today) was going out with Cindy. She's going back to Kampung tomorrow. Sighhhh... It's been a long time that I didn't update my blog. It's not that I don't want to update my blog, but thanks to the internet connection there. HAIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! There's no mood for me to write if the connection is so weak. Since then, I become lazy to update my blog. I really miss the memories when I express my feelings and my day in words by blogging it. It's must been love...but it's over now~ (well, not totally over) I still keep blogging whenever have the time. Lots of memories here.
Finally, I have completed my 2nd semester in Poly and will further to sem 3 starts 18 Jan next year. Should I say time goes fast or slow? When I think of attending semester 3 soon, yeaaa, it's fast. But when I think of there's another 2 years to go.... Sigh. 2 years eh!! Can't wait to graduate.
Followed by, 2o1o is coming up. Oh, before that, Christmas. I love Christmas. I'm not celebrating it but the songs, the decorations make me overwhelming.
NEW YEAR NEW YEAR!! I can't wait!!
After Rogerster, Willien and their friend went back, I continue
my online shopping again.
Where can I shopping in this small town :(
However, online shopping finally save me!
Wuuuu yaaaa!!
P/s: Love taiwan, japan and korea product. Keep on invent more products for girls!!
Owhhhh, no wonder
Politeknik Convocation - 2nd
welcome back, straighty :)
15 September back to Miri again!
I'm just coming back to school on Monday and now I am excited of my coming holiday! The whole class is busy requesting holiday from the lecturers. Of course, somes are nice and somes insist to have class. Means no "special excuse". Sigh... No matter what, I am going back on 15 September. It's hard to get ticket. Therefore, our class is going back on that Tuesday. Ehehehe... Yeayyy!! Shopping again. Oh goshhhh, I forgot to check my ticket! I decided to go Kuching end of this year :) Better off and check my ticket first... :*
human in many faces
POSTPONE my vacation post
I have to postpone it coz it's really hard to get internet connection here... +, I'm lazy to get down to cafeteria just to online. Maybe when I really need to only I will come down.
walk walk find eat (translate from "Jalan-jalan Cari Makan)

It's getting cold. So we walked back to our chalet and get ready to go out again.
No way....!!! SO we get back to our chalet and took the camera and take these photos (below)

Guan Yin Temple
<- this way
We stand at higher place and look around us, GOSH. MAMA MI YA... DADA DI YA!!
Cantik gila. Okayyy, I'm not sakai. However, I would like to take all these scenes back to Miri.(If i got kuasa sakti larrr) How lucky the citizens here. They can watch the view every evening.Play with the sand. Says hello to the fish. Cycling... Then I thought thatit is a potential place for me to settle here after I get retire (when I get older)Buy a wooden house and make it as a chalet and rent it. Me, goyang kaki under the tree,playing sand with my granchildren... (not sure that time wear bikini or push up bra + ass cloth...ahahaha... sudah tua, lanjut la..hahahaha)Eshhhhh... i think too far. Anyway, no harm to day dream.red hat Donald Duck
i took this one
view from above
blue water
my hair is in mess...because it's windy there
Yeaayy... my vacation!!
crystal clear
different kinds of water activities
miss the place =)
going to holiday with ym dear!!
biblabibla...upload my past few postssss-3
After my dance class finished, I feel FRESH. Sweat a lot and enjoy the class very much.
Back home and get enough rest, my BF, me and Honey and my mom went to Angel Vet Clinic to visit Bobo. Pity him… L he’s not given enough food to eat coz he just went for surgery. Ohhhhhh…why I’m writing such boring things nowadays?? Haha… tomorrow going to shopping with Cindy. I think she wants to prepare her stuff before she enter uni on this 27 July.
biblabibla...upload my past few postssss-2
In these few days, my dear always be with me. He came to Miri after he knew that I am sick. He bought medic, insist want me to see doctor and accompany me whole day… He even cooks porridge for me. Muaksss! Jealousy is a healthy expression of ones love for each other. When expressed in appropriate way, it can make the other party feel loved and strengthen the relationship. hehe.
Thanks dear!! XOXO dear!
biblabibla...upload my past few postssss
James calling! James calling! And my dear is just sitting besides me. Kinda scary when answer the phone. My dear is abit LOSO + CONTROLLING + BOSSY + JEALOUSY guy. Hahaha… But I know he is very clear who is my friends and what can be doubt and what should not be doubt. So I answer the phone, wooohooooo. James sounds so excited that he gets good pointer for his final exam. So I asked him, ho he checked coz from yesterday, I tried to enter the website, nothings comes out. Frustrated. Then he says, he will ask his friends. But my “eager” wild heart can’t wait for his answer, then I just tell my dear, I need to pause the drama awhile (we were watching HK drama, 学警狙击 download by Ah Perng). We online and checked. Yeaahhhhhhhh… I am really proud with what I get. However, without my dear’s help, I may not achieve this pointer.
Thanks again dear….for everything.
leaving fs
I actually have a facebook account (can't remember when I create it) but then I never visit it again as I already own a fs account. Howeverrrrrrrrr, I feel so bored of fs that then I switch to facebook now. Ehehehe... I'm not going to delete my fs account so jusy leave it there.
sleepy & tired
surprise - 2
end like that.
Few days before his birthday, I think so hard on how
to create s birthday card for him.
Last year, I hand made it and include some lyrics inside. So
this year, I thought I want to do something different.
After my brain struggling for few days, I finally came out with an idea
So I work on it for several nights as I'm working on day time.