Recently seldom update my blog. Thinking which way should I go to proceed the next stage of my life. Study Vs Working. Both have its own benefits. But, sure not to get married first. It's too early. Need to build stable foundation first. I believe this will guarantee a better living style both for my future partner and the kids (wahhh, siap dengan anak lagi tu) ekeke. Takes time...but its worth. Just knew that one of my friend get married al d. So young. Somehow, i did congrates him and wish him the best of all in his coming journey. end of the year, everyone rush for getting married ha? Ekeke... There are many wedding invitation. Wow... It's more easy to have wedding ceremony at the end of the year. Kids holiday, parents free... Can't wait Cindy coming back here. Sure times will get wild again at that time. Haha... Should stop crapping here coz my stomach is calling for food. Daaa!!
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