auchhhh... there are some naughty readers in my blog. Hate me but still loitering around here? Let see what they post... Ms/Mr Reader post his/her comment on my this post, so read the post first then only read the comment. So that you guys wont lost ya! :)
this type of reader, I don't know what's wrong. Very obvious that "reader" is aiming me. Coz for a normal person, if read a blog that one's dislike, one's can close the window and head for another blog. Purposely leave bad comment. I don't want face by posting all I like in my blog? I'm having happiness life with people that loved me, is that a problem for readers? Perhaps people that want say these kind of things, don't know what is blogging. Readers expect blogger just copy paste any kind of article and then post it in own blog then claimed it as own effort?? Wow.... Paste all the what quotes what poems inside and then call it as a blog? claimed it as your work?
here is another one, original post

THIS IS LAST POST ABOUT THIS ISSUE. WHO EVER WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS AGAIN, please watch your mouth. And to other readers, it just small drama. Dont take it serious. Go read other post k? Hehehe.. Bless you all!! I'm doing jelly ooo later!!
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