before any outing plan, use sunblock. The UV is not good for our skin Went to develop picture with mom yesterday. Then I bought a bed set for my dear. Guess what colour? PINK!! Errrm, it's not fully pink but the major colour is PINK and some "blueish" as minor. Hehe... I feel excited for this Sunday! Haha. Eva sent me a text message and ask me out in the afternoon, 3.30pm after she finish her class(Curtin). Okay then. I have nothing to do what~ Haha. But I will be very busy starting next month. WUhuuu. Accompany Eva to Shinjuku buy pant. Met this 2 china women. They are so SUPER THIN. Not slim. Slim will be abit of shape and meat meat rite? But this two are not!! Totally thin. Angin tiup pun tumbang ar! They tried shirts. OH goshhh... so choosy. They say the shirt kembang kembang/ "pongpong", don't like it. Heiii, who ask you so thin leh?? If you are that thin, wear what will also look pong mah... Unless you wear swim suit. Haha... Even swim suit also cannot wrapped their body i think, coz too THIN.

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