wow... hehe. errmmm...
I sent her an email to ask why she had "following up" my updates in fs. Probably she was abit irritate coz i deleted her away from my fs. Well, it's annoying when you were there. Hehe.. my fs is for my friends and nice ppl with a kind heart! Wuhuuuuu!! Haha.

I marked a number there and this is what i found out

  1. U sure? But you added me and keep on viewing me!! "Great talker, great Liar" (French Proverbs)
  2. I'm not leh... Don't simply accused ooo... =)
  3. I did say, dont think this mail is offensive ya. And yet, manners ermmmm... need to be improved lo
  4. I say keep on. But u say u dont know me? If you don't know me, you won't again and again view me. Right? Na~~
  5. Cold laugh... Well well well.. this one, you all comment lo ho. I have no comment. Ekekeke..
But then I reply her,
Owhh... okay. =)

My principal, BE NICE!!
God will do the rest.