The Love Guru
Finally I'd watch this movie yesterday. Very funny when everytime he(Guru Pitka) pulled out his books. Haha. And his stupid juling master. EKekekeke.... I have two tattoos!! One is the DRAMA tattoos... haha...
"If You're Happy and You Know It, Think Again"
"I Know You Are, But What Am I?" the so-called motivation books written by him.
i love to watch this cartoon--CHIBI MARUKO-CHAN!!!! love all the characters inside especially Maruko. Silly silly but have her own strong opinion on anything. Hehe.. If her mother failed to fulfill her wish, she will think another way that she always thoight is a wise idea and finally turn out to be a disaster day for her. Ekekeke.
前两个星起, 碰到我最不堪设想的事。 没想到说, 有酱的人在着世界上。 (凸凸+肚懒)
不明白为什么有些人, 就是讲话很不客气。 就好像人家得罪了她什么的。 她根本是觉得自己比不上, 所以才会用一些难听的语气。连基本的做人道理都没有。 实际上, 如果你是不认识我的话, 讲话态度是不必那么坏。 难怪。。。
就算你拍了几百张好看(你自己觉得而已)的相片放在网上, 也是废的。 因为你根本不是相片中的那个人(假笑,一开口都是难听的话), 差多的很。 你, 还是我第一次看过最没有礼貌的女人。 你嫉妒我吗?
1. 对待人的时候, 态度要好。
2. 说话要小心。 话一说出去, 是收不回。要是有天你遇到坏的人, 到时看你会有平静的生活嘛。 不是给人臭骂, 就给人指指点点的。
3. 你是在投降了。 难听的话是几时讲的? 是不是当你在生一个人的气, 讨厌一个人, 嫉妒一个人的时候讲的? 是!! 你就已经输了。 因为你没有话好讲, 只好用恶的态度来回。
不要这样。 我们不认识对方。 那就不要恨对方,或者不满意对方。 很幼稚。
And, I pray to God so will bless you in everything. I believe I will be blessed more cos seeing me forgiving people like you. 呵呵! 又做了一件好事...
For original article, click here
after I'd done my resume, I coloured my nails. Black colour. This is the first time I use black. During my "younger" days. I used to colour my nail with more transparent colour like peach pink that only can see when you sitting near to me. This time try for a drastic change that is black. The result not bad. Make your skin looks fairer. **cover my face coz I didnt comb my hair this morning. eekekeke..** looks messy... ekekekek
in this week, me and boy did:
- eat rojak at my favourite stall
- buy nail's colour
- watch Transfomer ang Garfield movies
- steamboat
- visit to book's exhibition
- do my car license
- buy OASIS
I'm too bored?! yalo.... ekekeke.
today my bf he slept till 11am. Waaa.. must be very tired lo. Then we went to Boulevard to buy book at the China Book Exhibition. There are alots of books that I wish to buy but I only manage to buy one. It's too many. I wish I can stay at the exhibition and read the books there whole day or even whole night!! haha... Tomorrow he's going back :( and don't know when we will meet again.

me and ♥ went to eat this newly open Rumah Ais Kacang. Tasty!! Because the tauhu, yam and everything are FRESH. He said tomorrow he's going to bring me there to eat again. Yahuu... Yesterday we do BBQ at his house
we went to Boulevard to buy all the food first. then go my house to take the BBQ set.
Enjoy the whole process of BBQ with him. Although is tired but WORTH!
Sunday--Accompany my mom went to buy vege. After that, went to SuperSave to get the Crystal Fertilizer. I like it very much!! Crystal crystal... cost Rm2 for one pack. I bought one packet only. Then when I arrive at home, I just knew that the transparent
vase already broke!! Sighh!!
wow... hehe. errmmm...
I sent her an email to ask why she had "following up" my updates in fs. Probably she was abit irritate coz i deleted her away from my fs. Well, it's annoying when you were there. Hehe.. my fs is for my friends and nice ppl with a kind heart! Wuhuuuuu!! Haha.
I marked a number there and this is what i found out
- U sure? But you added me and keep on viewing me!! "Great talker, great Liar" (French Proverbs)
- I'm not leh... Don't simply accused ooo... =)
- I did say, dont think this mail is offensive ya. And yet, manners ermmmm... need to be improved lo
- I say keep on. But u say u dont know me? If you don't know me, you won't again and again view me. Right? Na~~
- Cold laugh... Well well well.. this one, you all comment lo ho. I have no comment. Ekekeke..
Owhh... okay. =)
My principal, BE NICE!!
God will do the rest.
Notes: this picture is just for display only. It is remind that this is not to insult anyone. BEAR IN MIND!!
Uppss!! She did it again!
in order to respect other viewer, I darken the name.
See what actually is happening, click below's link:
(before you read the below article, it is to remind that, we are not using proper english but Bahasa Pasar... )
15 Aug 2008
Waoo! Ur ex view me eh. Haha. Obviously she is envy of me..
Up to her lo. She regret also too late le cause I fall in love with you lo
Haha. Bt I hairan la. I change name cs dnt want let her search me. So i change to "xfsw".. Then she stil cn find o.. Kong bu~
Never mind la. Just let her know how xin fu we are.
Em.. But she cannot view inside cos my profile is private. ( follow up is a sentence that .... ermmm... cannot be share it here... hehe... well, everyone has a secret, dont you?!)
up to you o. he he... but dont get mad and got what problem must tell me ar
another drama in ma life. Well, still not consider it as a drama.. hehe
Friday looo!!! Tomorrow Saturday. Being a 20 years old girl, I still don't know how to make up. Not that I don't try. I tried but the result..blueekkk! he he. Better go town without make-up. The reason I hardly to use make use make-up on my face is because I have a tanned-skin. Sigh.. Girls with a fairer skin will have a better chances to wear make-up. So envy...
yahuuuuu!! Still have another 3 days before i can meet him again.. hahaha.. =)
although he did said something that I don't like... where I decide to put a dot between me and him, somehow I just can't get him out from my mind. But, we manage to get back again.
Appreciate everything. Don't waste time on things that not necessary like quarrel. Better to spend quality time with the one that you choose to love.
those schooling days
Ohhh gosh.. kinda miss my schooling days. During those days, I find it very stressful. Going to school, with a heavy(XH-extra heavy) bagSSSSS. Not to say, haven't reach school, hand already holding books. Memorise all the formula or the question that Ms Lee might test us on that day. 12.40pm, crazy hour!! GO EAT!!! That is the best part where I can have a nap in the class although we always "sleep" in the class during lesson.. Hhaha.. reminds me how Bato always sleep with his "pancing ikan" pose. HAhahaha!!
Then me and sim will be pretend to be the "GOOD STUDENTS". When teacher makes laugh, then we laugh. When teacher scold the class, we two make innocent face. Actually is, when you sit in front, really got no many choice that we can do. Sometimes, will pass "love letter" to Muk. Saying thing like, "kenak aku makin gemok o?"(why i become fat), "kenak ko kontot o?"(how come u r short). Hahaha..
Rehat, some will go to Koperasi but kerepek. Famous oo the kerepek.. haha.. every month the merit marks will come out. Errmm.. many things that buzzing us at that time. Such as activities that carried out by MPP-Pra U. Then what papan kemerdekaan la. Penyampaian hadiah this lah.
abviously i miss him
I'm yours
Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but your so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out I'll be givin it my best test
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours
I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'd be sayin' is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more,
no more it cannot wait
I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours
so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours