Cindy:"Eh, 你在哪里?"
Cindy:"get ready, 我等下就来"
Cheesywedges :"去哪里?"
Cindy: "jalan2"
Cheesywedges: "okay babe!!"
Aku on da way dr k.baram tk.. 3o minit sampe la ku. X pyh pke kcak2. Mk mbak ko mkan jak tk.
Yessss!!! 还好还有一点时间跟chiang chat。 真的好想念读书的时候!! 哈哈! 读书时又想留在家而已, 读完书, 又想学校。 :((
A Day After Wedding
currently listening to this song~
By YOur Side
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave down when your down on your knees?
I wouldn't do that
I'll do you right when your wrong
I-----ohhh, ohhh
If only you could see into me
oh, when your cold
I'll be there to hold you tight to me
When your on the outside baby and you can't get in
I will show you, your so much better than you know
When your lost, when your alone and you can't get back again
I will find you darling I'll bring you home
If you want to cry
I am here to dry your eyes
and in no time you'll be fine
You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave you down when your down on your kness
I wouldn't do that
I'll do you right when your wrong
I-----I, ohhhh, ohhh
If only you could see into me
Oh when your cold
I'll be there
To hold you tight to me
Oh when your alone
I'l be there by your side baby
This song very cute. "Uh, Ipohmali Ipoh Ipohmali"... Hehe. Sing it along! And click here to get it's lyric. =)
首 先, 我和Empina去百盛。 哇, 好多我都认识的哦! 都在同一个地方逛街。 有的陪女友, 有的陪朋友, 有的就跟家人。。。 不懂为什么,每次一见到同校的人, 就赶快掉头走掉。有时就不会啦。 千万别以为我是为骄傲的人哦。 你跟我打招呼, 我"一定"会回你的。
我和Empina个买了一枚ring。 两个人买的话, 会比较好谈价钱嘛。rm99 一枚。 超值!
去了百盛, 又去帝宫。哎, 好累哦。 不懂是我真的累, 还是没有逛街的心情。 就是一直想回家。
<<电 话响!!>>, 拿起来看下, 又是divert call。 鸡肯!! 到底是谁把我的号码, 放着是他的divert call。 倒霉。 刚换号码不久, 现在又要再换。 不可能是别人故意作怪, 因为我这号码才用不久的。 只有几个知已朋友知道。 当我换掉我的号码时, 真的感觉很轻松。 有时真的很想丢掉那些不知道几世纪没联络的朋友的号码, 然后就故意不告诉他们, 我新的号码。
有些事, 不告诉他也不是一件坏事。 互相没联络也许更好。 联络了又能怎么样呢? 看起来, 我似乎小气了一点。 可是我绝对绝对没有抱着生气的态度来对待他。 就是少点联络就好了。 也许... 也许我变了。 好像对四周围的东西没有什么兴趣。 也不在乎了...
读书? 不要搞我
怎么突然间下雨啦? 不是下得很大, 也只不过是下了一阵子。 还想到我家附近的公园去散步, 可是这一场雨却毁了我的美好傍晚。 好气! 早上, Empina传了一封简讯来。 (其实是两封, 第二封她说"Empina tok" 意思"这是Empina"), 奇怪。 第一封她都已经注明是她了, 怎么又要再注明呢? 好糊涂的一位朋友。 哈哈! 自己也是一样! 她问我要不要去上一些英文course。 天呀! 我才毕业不久的, 又叫我去读书。 真的是够刺激! 还好没有心脏问题, 不然的话... 说实话, 我也有点兴趣。 但是, 这个时候哪里还有心情读书喔。 我真的很想出去打工。 然后赚点钱, 买些自己喜欢的东西。 啊啊, 很有满足感。 毕竟是自己赚来的钱嘛。 这么大了, 不可能还要伸手向家人拿钱。 家境又不是很好。 之前, Jessica.R 也有叫我跟她一起去拿电脑的course。 想要可是想想还是算了吧! 反正我也对电脑也有一点学问。 在不然的话, 还可以问我家的师傅, 二哥。 嘻嘻!(带点奸笑)。 Empina 的手提一定是没有$了, 不然她也不需要用其他人的手提传简讯给我。 正好我也一样。 手提真的"干" 到不得了。 简直是RM0.00。 这个月, 一份工也没有找到。 钱包也快"饿"坏了。 不行, 我一定要努力点。 快快找份PART TIME的工。
我觉得我有MUET的certificate已经够了。 虽然我的英文不是超级厉害, 少少也K到一个BAND4。 也许, 迟些吧。 迟点才去拿什么东什么西的course。 先看有钱吗, 再看心情, 再说。
才上网不久, 大哥就打电话。 大清早打给我, 一定没有什么好东西的。 果然不出所料, 他叫我帮他拿车的road tax。 哇!! 我哪里有车下巴刹去拿哦! 这时候, 突然有简讯, 啊!!! 终于有人来救我了。 Empina叫我陪她去逛街。 那正好可以"顺便"去拿。 哈哈!
十点半开始等, 等到十一点, 还没有看到她的影子。 再等... 等... ... 终于她出现。 十一点半才到! 我都快等到疯了。又穿着满厚布料的衣服。 算了。
不 是吧!! 又是遇见那位aunt。 hmmmm, 她的发型很酷! 她就是剪男人头的style, 然后梳高高的。 很难要形容她的发型。 Conclusion, 与众不同就是了。 我觉得她在富利华附近工作, 因为两次都看到她出现在那边。 如果你们想要去看看她的话, 那就去富利华逛逛。
Bro: Girl, from today, your PC will be move back into my room again
Me: Hah? What? Why? (a lot of question, hoping i heard the wrong thing)
Bro: My notebook "out of order". So borrow your PC for 1 week.
Naaa~~~ I quickly on my PC and check my mail coz I know once the PC has move into his room, I don't have chance to online. Unless he go out. Like now. Luckily tomorrow is Sunday, then MONDAY!!!! Yahuuu.. he will be working until Friday. So, weekdays, the PC belongs to me again. ^.^ hai bu chuo la.
Really bored just stayed at house. Thinking back, I had grow up!! 长大了。我真的长大了!! Form6 gives me alot of memory. Hmm.. All the dramas, all the hard work in memorising equations, formulas... =) miss that kind of situation. I still remember when me and my friends who have to do the Chemistry correction for hundred times! The nest day all sorts of complaint come out, "my hand is pain", "my pen run out of ink, today have to use pencil", "I woke up at 2am and still not yet complete, sei laarrr"... Hahaha... Imagine, it's really funny where all of us scared of the teacher. Then come to this teacher, Miss Physics. She talks alot, i mean MOTIVATE us a lot during the lesson. Roughly the 10-15minutes at the beginning of the lesson is used to scold us. Not really scold us but she gives us somes advices. "ONE YEAR OLDER, ONE YEAR WISER", this quote always in my mind. Hehe.. Somehow, this quote has buried in my memory even deeper than any other important formula. *-*
Chocolate!! My bro brought some choc from NZ yesterday. Like chocolate! But my Mom does not allow me to take more than one. She said its too sweet.
Wuhuu... Finally I finish my Form6!! I'd studied at the same school for 7 year. Since Form1 until Form6. Rule by two different principles, Mr. NY & Mr. MHML. So, it is a relieved to free from school. Not that I dislike the school, somehow I feel happy cause no more "Latihan Kebakaran, Aktiviti Kelab, Kelas Bimbingan, Ceramah, Perhimpunan Mingguan, Perhimpunan Tingkatan, Kelas Terbersih, Kelas Terkotor, Derma Kepada Mangsa XXX, Bulan Bahasa, Bulan2 segala Bulan". The best part is no more wake up in the early morning like what the bird(s) do. Ha ha.
However I feel bored at home. Still haven't found any job. I looked at newspaper everyday, seems like not even one vacancy that I'm interested. Maybe I'm too choosy. Hahaha... There are some vacancy that I wanted to try but their location are too far. I have no transport to go there.
the other night(11 Dec 2007), me and few of my friends- MingHong, MenLing & Caroline went to Nine2Five. It's a simple gathering. Just four of us. Hehe. I love the shop that we went that night. The atmosphere is very nice!! Decorate with lots of Christmas stuff. There is one corner of the shop where the wall stick with lots of black and white picture. I guess those pictures are the owner's family members. Very creative!! The menu are also not bad. Price is just OK.
I want to visit another coffe shop. The new one. I think it's called Little China, if I'm not mistaken. Or DS( Shuang Xing)?? Erm... I'm not quite sure. I just have a glance at the shop name.